At the exact moment that Steve called me from the garden to tell me that picking the apples from the apple tree was an outright spiritual experience for him (we're prone to be dramatic like that), I was capturing this moment during dinner clean-up.
7/9/09 At breakfast, Libby said, "Could I have some Raisin Brown?" Alex said, "It's not Raisin Brown; it's Raisin Brand." _______________
7/8/09 Libby was holding the same pose for a few seconds, and then cracking up. She said, "I'm glue. Ha, ha, ha." I said, "You mean you're stuck?" "Uh-huh." _______________
6/27/09 Libby turns 4 tomorrow. She wanted me to get the game "Nazi" down for her, aka Yahtzee. She keeps calling pantyhose "pantynose," and the sprinkles for her cake are "sprinklers." _______________
6/23/09 Steve put the mail on the stairs for him to take up later. As the family headed upstairs for bed, Libby picked up the mail, handed it to me, and said seriously, "It wants to be alone." What? As I turned to pass it off to Steve, he told me that earlier he told Libby to "leave the mail alone." _______________
6/17/09 Karina spilled cocoa all over the counter. Libby said accusingly, "Who did this?" I said, "I did. It was an accident." She said harshly, "No, it wasn't! Don't talk to your mother like that!" Is it possible that I sound like that and she's mimicking me? What a horrible thought. _______________
6/7/09 Alex: I like our tree over there because I can pick off the dead branches and make cool sticks with it. Mom: I'm not sure how I feel about you pulling branches off our beautiful live tree. Alex: No, no. It's kinda like your eyebrows you pull out that you don't even notice. Mom: Wow, good analogy :)
5/27/09 Libby was pretending to cook. I asked her what she was making. "I'm making lovin' for dinner. Want me to cook some lovin'?" Then, as she served me, she warned, "Wait, it needs to cool off."
4/20/09 Libby was watching Po (the red one) on Teletubbies and said, "Mom, can you give me something hard so I can get that red thing out of there?" She wanted me to smash the TV to pull out Po so she could hold "it." Then she started knocking on the TV with her knuckles and whined, "See, my hand isn't hard enough."
4/17/09 Before Libby sunk her teeth into the warm, buttered banana bread, she said, "I can't die and stand it."
4/15/09 Alex looks at the sign sitting on the restaurant table that says "...cheer up your dismal day this April treats..." and says, "Why do restaurants give free stuff away on tax day? Mom: They're trying to bring a little sunshine and happiness into people's day because paying taxes is no fun. Alex: (Slowly scans the whole restaurant, shrugs his shoulders) Looks like everyone is having a good time to me.
4/9/09 If Libby takes something from Alex, he'll just takes her nose, you know for pretend, and Libby cries, "Mooom, Alex took my nose again." She gets very upset about it.
4/4/09 Every day, no matter how many times I've told Libby that they're "Saltine" crackers by my bed, she says, "Could I have a protein cracker?"
3/17/09 Alex said sarcastically to Libby, "Sor-ry." She replied, "Sorry doesn't cut the food."
3/2/09 Alex likes President Uchtdorf because when he was a 1-yr-old, the then Elder Uchtdorf said Alex was so cute he wanted to take him home with him.
Fast forward to stake conference yesterday. The now President Uchtdorf mentioned the "presiding bishopric" while he was speaking to us over the broadcast satellite. Alex perked up and said, "I didn't know he knows Bishop Rick!"
Libby started to draw in Alex's special composition book that he writes in every day. I said, "No, Libby, don't write in Alex's composition book. We'll have to make a special one for you too, huh?"
She said, "Yeah, I have a pink compi-chicken book."
_______________ We rarely turn the radio on in the car, but when we do, we are able to find some really "old school" stations and they're fun. Steve turned the radio on in the car and Libby said, "Wow, this is really home school!"
_______________ Steve made a comment at dinner tonight, and my reply to what he said was simply, "Speaking of which." Libby asked, "Dad, why are you speaking witch?"
_______________ During a testimony meeting a woman was crying and Libby turned to Steve and says, "Does she want to go to her Mommy?"
There's a crew I would like on my team!
It's for reasons like these that I love you and Steve!
WOW! That's cute-a-rama!
(And I did notice that you and Rhyetta posted with similar titles!)
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